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* All dates and serial numbers are approximate * M1 Carbine Components List
Page size:
 170 items in 4 pages
MFGComponentTypeMarkingSerial# RangeNotes
Page size:
 170 items in 4 pages
NPMButtplate ScrewN/AUnmarked1450000 - 4432099 
NPMHandguardType 1OI, TN1450000 - 1989999 
NPMHandguardType 2TN1990000 - 4432099 
NPMRecoil PlateType 2Unmarked, LN1450000 - 1539999 
NPMRecoil PlateType 3LN, PN1540000 - 4432099 
NPMRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 1Unmarked1450000 - 4432099Early production.
NPMRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 2Unmarked1450000 - 4432099Late production.
NPMRecoil Plate ScrewN/AUnmarked1450000 - 4432099 
NPMStockType 1OI w/Flaming Ord Bomb1450000 - 1489999 
NPMStockType 2TN, TRIMBLE/TN1490000 - 4199999 
NPMStockType 3TRIMBLE/TN4200000 - 4432099 
QHMCBarrel BandType 1Unmarked1550000 - 4699999Swivel marked QU.
QHMCBarrel BandType 1AUnmarked, UI1550000 - 4699999Swivel unmarked or marked "QU" or "Q-TK".
QHMCBarrel BandType 2Unmarked4700000 - 4879525 
QHMCBarrel Band SpringN/AUnmarked1550000 - 4879525 
QHMCButtplateN/AUnmarked1550000 - 4879525 
QHMCButtplate ScrewN/AUnmarked1550000 - 4879525 
QHMCHandguardType 1RMC, Q-RMC1550000 - 1579999 
QHMCHandguardType 2Q-RMC, HQ1580000 - 4879525 
QHMCRecoil PlateType 2RO-Q1550000 - 1619999 
QHMCRecoil PlateType 3RO-Q1620000 - 4879525 
QHMCRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 1Unmarked1550000 - 4879525Early production.
QHMCRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 2Unmarked1550000 - 4879525Late production.
QHMCRecoil Plate ScrewN/AUnmarked1550000 - 4879525 
QHMCStockType 1RMC, Q-RMC1550000 - 1629999 
QHMCStockType 2Q-RMC1630000 - 4719999 
QHMCStockType 3Q-RMC4720000 - 4879525 
RMCBarrel BandType 1Unmarked1662520 - 1759999 
RMCBarrel BandType 1AUnmarked, MR, UR1760000 - 6079999 
RMCBarrel BandType 2Unmarked6080000 - 6219688 
RMCBarrel Band SpringN/AUnmarked1662520 - 6219688 
RMCButtplateN/AUnmarked1662520 - 6219688 
RMCButtplate ScrewN/AUnmarked1662520 - 6219688 
RMCHandguardType 1RMC1662520 - 1674999 
RMCHandguardType 2RMC1675000 - 6219688 
RMCRecoil PlateType 2R, ROCK-OLA1662520 - 1679999 
RMCRecoil PlateType 3ROCK-OLA, R SG1680000 - 6219688 
RMCRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 1Unmarked1662520 - 6219688Early production.
RMCRecoil Plate Escutcheon NutType 2Unmarked1662520 - 6219688Late production.
RMCRecoil Plate ScrewN/AUnmarked1662520 - 6219688 
RMCStockType 1RMC1662520 - 1699999 
RMCStockType 2Unmarked, RMC1700000 - 6199999 
RMCStockType 3RMC6200000 - 6219688 
SGGRBarrel BandType 1AUnmarked, KV-S'G', UP, US'G'1762520 - 3250019 
SGGRBarrel Band SpringN/AUnmarked1762520 - 3250019 
SGGRButtplateN/AUnmarked1762520 - 3250019 
SGGRButtplate ScrewN/AUnmarked1762520 - 3250019 
SGGRHandguardType 2IR-IP, RSG1762520 - 3250019 
SGGRRecoil PlateType 2W-P1762520 - 1799999 
SGGRRecoil PlateType 3W-S'G'1800000 - 3250019 

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